Ben Brophy

Brophy’s Blog

Hello and welcome back to Brophy’s blog! It has been an extremely busy few weeks. I am now living in Birmingham and have started my second year of my university course. I am currently recovering from a cold but hope to be back training very soon!

Training wise I have been doing a lot of running down the canals around Birmingham and the change in scenery is very refreshing. I am in the process of acquiring gym membership at the newly opened gym at Aston University. Sadly there has been a delay in the swimming pool opening until November so I am currently looking at my options regarding that! I hope to have my car up in Birmingham in the next day or two which should give me the option of open water swims in the future!

The last time I spoke to you myself and Andy Read were preparing ourselves for the Aquathon, and I’m pleased to announce we did pretty well! I manage to come 6th fastest overall for people marked non-club trained and 21st overall where the field was filled with club and county triathlons!

Fund raising wise I am currently planning our next push to hit the magic number to be able to put a deposit down on a support boat! My latest idea is a “Brophy’s Channel Challenge Week” based around Aston University and central Birmingham! So watch this space and if you have any ideas or sponsors let us know on facebook or twitter. We are always open minded!

Remember to follow us on twitter, facebook and youtube for the latest and up-to-date news!

Thank you for all your support so far!


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