Team Brophy Blog
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Category Archives: “Weekly” Blogs

Our next big event is coming up!
Welcome to another update, there has been so much going on lately it’s all guns blazing at the moment with the big swim in less than a year! The first big announce is that the website has been updated! It … Continue reading
Posted in "Weekly" Blogs, Events, Training
Tagged beach, event, Great Yarmouth, launch, night, re-brand, Team Brophy, training, website
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1:5:2 – TeamBrophy’s Biggest challenge yet!
1:5:2 1 Day, 5 Hours, 2 Races Our biggest Challenge yet is now less than a week away! It will push Ben like never before and is titled “1:5:2”. 1:5:2 is all about pushing the body to the max, involving … Continue reading
Posted in "Weekly" Blogs, Events, Fundraising
Tagged ben, event, fund raising, open water, race
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Training Update
Welcome to an training update from Brophy! Training has been very intense recently; now back in Bedford I am currently making the most of the facilities that are on offer at Box End Park. Being able to train at the … Continue reading
Posted in "Weekly" Blogs, Events, Fundraising, Training
Tagged aquathlon, lake, olympic, open, race, swimming, torch, training, water
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Olympics, Channel Facts and Figures!
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you the Olympics is on, it’s hard to get away from it at times. The Olympics are here in London and seeing our beloved Team GB winning medals, it’s hard not to feel … Continue reading

Tribute to Paraic Casey
On Sunday the 22nd of July 2012 the sad news broke that Paraic Casey died when attempting to swim the English Channel. Paraic aged 45, from Cork, became ill off the French coast in the early hours of Sunday. It … Continue reading