Andy Read

Signing on the dotted line….

Hello all

It is a privilege to speak to you as always, but today is not about me, instead it’s all about Ben.

The team got together last weekend for a working session to sort out a number of different admin and promotional tasks, more of which I’m sure you’ll hear about soon.

Just as we started to flag and falter, Ben happened to mention that he had a surprise. Typical of the guy to “just mention” something of this importance

So what was the surprise I hear you cry… well Ben had brought along the contract for his safety boat!! So with that now signed (photographic proof below for you cynics) and another landmark moment pasted for TeamBrophy, I am proud to be able to announce that THE SWIM IS ON!


However, I am sorry to say that I can’t tell you the date of the swim. The team have been swore to secrecy until our launch event on November 30th. So if you want to find out the date for yourself, get down to B4|Bar @ Aston university for our launch event where all will be revealed.

That’s all folks


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