Ben Brophy

Brophy’s Weekly Blog Number 6!

Welcome to my weekly blog!

I can’t believe how quick it’s gone, it has been a frustrating but good week or so overall. First of all we are just doing the finishing touches for a new section on the website which should be up before next week’s blog, fingers crossed.

Event wise I have been working hard on our first fundraiser in Kempston Sainsbury’s, myself and the team will be down packing bags to raise some money and raise awareness of the swim along with the charity itself. As well as this going on, there are our amazing posters now up in store with a donations page. I am in on-going/new talks with a number of potential sponsors; I believe we are getting there.

The week itself on a personal note has been very frustrating, being a university student I have been working full time to get some money for next year. I appear to be coming to the end of my summer work now and it’s been intense! Working 7 days straight, late then morning takes it out of you even more so when you’re trying to fit in training! It was a huge week of work but it goes back down to normal soon, considering I’ve been working training hasn’t been too bad but I’m looking forward to getting back down to normal. I’ve change my training schedule recently on advice from someone who is assisting me in this area until we get a programme together. It involves a mixing of gym work, swimming and running, I also manage to get a bit of Gaelic football involved by running with the ball doing little bits and bobs, It keeps things interested and was a really good fitness session.

Overall its been a very busy week working every day and training in the heat has been a challenge. Also there is Diffey’s second video blog coming out shortly! Not to be missed! More updates and news to follow shortly keep an eye on the twitter and facebook page!

Thank you for all the support so far, Brophy!

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