Ben Brophy

Brophy’s Weekly Blog Number 5!

Welcome to Brophys Weekly Blog!

This week has gone so fast, I can’t believe it’s already over. Sponsorship wise is starting to quiet down at the moment with the summer in full swing, however I’m expecting a few pieces of news to be announced soon! Also I’ve been working on our first Team Brophy event, where I can proudly announce that on the 27th of August a group of 10 people including myself will be promoting the swim and fund raising on day at the newly re-opened Sainsbury’s in Kempston, Bedfordshire. If you are interested in helping out on the day or future events let us know!

Training update! Had a few really good swims this week and improved a lot this week which I’ve been really pleased with. I’m hoping to set up my training in August which is becoming a very busy month, not only our first event but I’ll also have my summer break for 2 weeks. I will however likely to be doing a lot of swimming during this break.

I have a feeling the summer is the calm before the storm, when September comes around I hope to have my professional fitness programme, open water swims and lots of events everyone can get involved in! It’s something that’s really exciting and I can’t wait for!!

This week its short and sweet but next week appears to have the potential to be a busy one in deed! Thank you for all the support so far!!


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