Ben Brophy

Our next big event is coming up!

Welcome to another update, there has been so much going on lately it’s all guns blazing at the moment with the big swim in less than a year!

The first big announce is that the website has been updated! It has greatly improved so make sure you take a look and check it out! As well as the website’s new look we have had a complete re-brand, I’m sure you will agree it’s a big improvement.

To give you an idea about how training is going, lets go through a typical working day. It’s a 6am wake up and still dark outside when I start making my way to the gym for a morning training session for about 6:30-7am. After a 45-60 minutes workout I then head back home to get ready for work. 8:15am I leave the house again for work, it’s a lot lighter and I am now feeling wide awake as I head off on my busy day. When I’m done, it’s 5:30pm and again dark outside and now the second journey to the Swimming pool and gym begins. I get home around 6:15, 15 minutes to get something to eat and at 6:30 I leave for my evening swim. 7-8pm swimming session is well underway, every Tuesday I’m able to do a 2 hour swim instead of just the one due to opening and closing times at the swimming pool. 8:30-9pm or on Tuesday 9:30-10pm I get home find my seat by the TV and catch up on the news/work before heading to bed ready for tomorrow!

As some of you will be aware, two weeks ago I was training in Great Yarmouth, it was a good experience and went as well as the weather permitted. The whole story with all the details will be released later this week in a second blog so make sure you take a read! Was an interesting one with the wind, mini sand storm and hail half way through!

The next and possibly the biggest piece of news is that our next event is less than a month away! The official Team Brophy launch night will be held at B4 Bar on the Aston University Campus (back to where it all started!) on the 30th of November starting at 7pm. There are a number of big announcements to be released on the night, it’s all hush hush at the moment but we will cover some new Team Brophy drinks, information surrounding the swim and support boat, and the date the big swim is going to happen! Now that’s some pretty big news so make sure you don’t miss out!

Check out the Team Brophy launch night facebook event.

Thank you for all the support so far,

Ben Brophy

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